Understanding and Helping Children with Sexual Behaviour Issues – 2 Set Booklet
Written by Toni Cavanaugh Johnson, PhD.
Book 1:
Understanding Children’s Sexual Behaviours – What’s Natural and Healthy, updated 2010
This is an attractive, easy-to-read, highly informative and practical 26 page booklet for parents, teachers, school counselors, social workers, CASA, police, and anyone else who wants to understand children’s sexual behaviors. The booklet is designed to help understand what is healthy sexual behavior and development in children up to twelve years of age in addition to what is concerning and what may be abusive sexual behavior by children.
The booklet includes:
- A Definition Of Natural And Healthy Sexual Behavior
- Factors Which May Influence Children’s Sexual Behaviors
- Why Might A Child’s Sexual Behavior Move Beyond What Is Considered Natural And Expected?
- Twenty Characteristics Of Problematic Sexual Behavior In Children
- Chart: Behaviors Related To Sex And Sexuality In Preschool Children
- Chart: Behaviors Related To Sex And Sexuality In Kindergarten Through Fourth Grade Children
- Has My Child Been Sexually Abused?
- Do Victims Become Perpetrators?
- How Serious Is It If My Child Is Engaging in Problematic Sexual Behaviors?
- A Continuum of Problematic Sexual Behaviors from Sexually-Reactive to Molesting Behavior
- Getting Help for Sexual Behavior Problems
Book 2:
Helping Children With Sexual Behavior Problems – A Guidebook For Professionals And Caregivers, 4th Edition, updated 2009.
This is a companion booklet to Understanding Children’s Sexual Behaviors – What’s Natural and Healthy. This 44-page booklet contains straightforward, easy-to-read information in the following areas:
- A Definition Of Natural And Healthy Sexual Behavior
- What everyone helping children with sexual behavior helping problems (CSBP) should know
- Modifying children’s problematic sexual behaviors – preparing the home environment; provide a healthy sexual environment; encourage healthy boundaries; some guidelines for healthy boundaries; make the home feel safe for all of the children
- Working together to decrease the child’s problematic sexual behavior – developing a plan to decrease one problematic sexual behavior at a time; playing detective – what triggers the selected problematic sexual behavior?
- Masturbation
- Parenting – talking about sex with children; listen and respond to the child; parenting with patience and compassion; special issues for all parents and substitute caregivers
- Assessment and treatment of CSBP and their families – assessment of CSBP; goals for parents and substitute caregivers of CSBP; individual therapy for CSBP, parents/care givers. and other family members
- Cooperation and communication between all team members – working with school; day care; after school programs; CPS; Probation
- References
- Helpful resources on children and sexuality
Who is Toni Cavanagh?
Toni Cavanagh Johnson, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in South Pasadena, California. She has been working in the field of child abuse for over 30 years as a researcher, trainer and clinician. During this time Dr. Johnson’s major focus has been on children below the age of 12 with sexual behavior problems, as well as their siblings and parents. She has written five books, two booklets, produced three therapeutic games, published numerous articles in refereed journals, and written book chapters on child sexual abuse and children with sexual behavior problems.
As chairperson of a task force of the California Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (CAPSAC), Dr. Johnson assisted in the development of Guidelines for Monitored (Supervised) Visits. Among other organizations, Dr. Johnson is a member of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC), the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, and the American Psychological Association, the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, and the Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association..
Dr. Johnson has been invited to lecture on child abuse in Australia, New Zealand, South America, Europe, Africa, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Great Britain, Canada and throughout the United States. She provides consultation to protective service workers, mental health professionals, attorneys, the police, probation and the courts in the areas of sexual victimization and perpetration, and domestic violence.
Dr. Johnson is in the process of retiring. Throughout her career she provided psychological evaluations and expert witness testimony in Civil, Dependency, Criminal and Family Law cases.